Training Managers should contact the Academy Coordinator directly to reserve seats in the Academy.
Registration tab found at the bottom of this page is for Non-Affiliated applicants only.
Tuition rates are subject to change. Final tuition rate will be established prior to academy start date.

Click for Academy Frequently Asked Questions Page
Chabot College will schedule an intensive format Regular Basic Course/Academy. Present and past academies are made up of a variety of law enforcement agency recruits. The academy is 1,064 hours in length.
POST CERTIFICATION: 1010-00100 - POST PLAN IV Reimbursable

COLLEGE CREDITS: Chabot College will award 29 units for successful completion of the academy.
Please apply for the course on the Chabot College website prior to first day of the Academy. Use Google Chrome Web Browser
Once you have applied, email the following information to Subject line: (Insert Course Title AND Start Date), First and last name, Application Confirmation number, & Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY).
For application instructions click here Academy CC-Application Steps.pdf
For Basic Academy veteran students that have VA education benefits, you may utilize them through Chabot College. Please contact the Chabot College Veterans Resource Center at
UPCOMING TEST DATES: Test dates for the next Academy have not been determined. Interested non-affiliate students may use the "Register" for the Academy link at the bottom of this page to place themselves on an interest list. All students on this list will be notified of the application and testing schedule when the dates are established.
ACADEMY DIRECTOR: Captain Ross Clippinger, Commanding Officer
ACADEMY COORDINATOR: Sergeant Joshua Hinckley